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CapitalReach AI Solutions

Investment Advisors

CapialReach AI helps investment advisors run outreach campaigns for their clients.

Manage unlimited clients with ease.

Running email campaigns for clients can be a daunting task. You need to manage multiple email addresses, track engagement, and ensure that you are sending the right emails to the right people.

CapitalReach AI helps you manage your clients and track their engagement in real-time.

Browse our database of 100K+ investors.

Finding the right investors is a tremendous challenge. You need to manually browse through a database of 100K+ investors to find the right ones.

We have curated our database of 100K+ investors to ensure that you can find the right ones for your clients.

Match your Clients with Investors, Instantly.

Founders typically spend 30-40 hours manually searching for the right investors.

On CapitalReach AI, you need to provide your business details and our AI will match the business with the best investors, instantly.

Personalised Emails, Powered by AI.

Manually crafting personalized messages for 100 potential investors can take up to 33 hours.

Our AI generates tailored, high-impact emails that resonate with each investor.

Follow-Up Emails, Fully Automated.

Manually managing follow-ups and analyzing investor responses can take 4-8 hours each month.

CapitalReach AI automates follow-up tracking and provides real-time insights on investor engagement.

Track Potential Investors.

Skip hours of browsing through your emails to find out which investors are engaging with you.

Browse your matched investors and track their engagement in real-time.

Powerful Campaign Insights, Real-Time.

Build an ever-evolving campaign strategy and optimise your outreach efforts on the go.

CapitalReach AI provides powerful insights on investor engagement so you can focus on closing deals.

Join CapitalReach AI and Start Your Fundraising Journey

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