Automate Your Fundraising Efforts

Why waste 73 hours on investor research? Let AI handle it in seconds!

These estimates highlight the significant time-saving potential of, making the fundraising process much more efficient for startup founders.

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Time-Consuming Activities in Fundraising

Researching Investors

Typically, founders invest 30-40 hours to research and identify potential investors aligned with their startup's stage and industry.

Personalizing Outreach

Personalizing emails and LinkedIn messages takes 10-20 minutes per investor, totaling 16-33 hours for 100 investors.

Follow-Up Management

Tracking interactions and following up with investors can take around 1-2 hours per week.

Scheduling Meetings

Coordinating schedules and setting meetings takes about 5-10 hours monthly.

Automated Investor Matching


Founders spend 30-40 hours manually researching potential investors.


Our AI instantly matches startups with the most suitable investors.

Time Saved

Up to 40 hours, allowing founders to focus on what truly matters – growing their business.

Automated Personalized Outreach


Creating personalized outreach messages and sending them to 100 potential investors can take 16-33 hours.


Using AI, it crafts unique, tailored messages that resonate with each investor.

Time Saved

Up to 33 hours, streamlining your communication efforts and increasing your outreach efficiency.

Automated Follow-Up and Sentiment Analysis


Managing follow-ups and analyzing investor responses can consume 1-2 hours per week, totaling 4-8 hours per month.

After automates the tracking of investor interactions and follow-ups.

Time Saved

Up to 8 hours per month, enhancing your follow-up process and providing deeper insights into investor sentiment.

Automated Meeting Scheduling


Coordinating and scheduling meetings with potential investors can take 5-10 hours per month.


Our platform integrates with your calendar to automate meeting scheduling.

Time Saved

Up to 10 hours per month, simplifying your scheduling process and ensuring you never miss an important meeting.

How It Works?

01 Sign Up
Create your account and input your startup details.
02 Get Matched
Our AI matches you with the most suitable investors.
03 Automate Outreach
Send personalized messages and follow-ups automatically via Email & LinkedIn.
04 Track & Optimize
Use our free CRM and sentiment analysis to manage and improve your fundraising efforts.

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